Astanda Chegia: the Caliber of Exhibitors Grows Year after Year

Astanda Chegia: the Caliber of Exhibitors Grows Year after Year

Trend excursions were held for two days in the Exhibition pavilions by Astanda Chegia, Practical Fashion Solution Agency. Astanda told us how to select shop assortments tailored for the target audience using the examples of specific exhibitors.

– Buyers, designers, and owners of both off-line and online stores took part in our trend excursions, – Astanda shared her impressions. – I liked that in general, our Russian designers pulled themselves together, the overall impression of the stands is very good, we have seen a lot of original solutions. There is a clear trend demonstrating the adult fashion style getting into the children's fashion. I tried to focus on stylish, unusual collections. And this spring there were a lot of them! I appreciate that there are diverse collections, it's very good, because you can address any buyer.

It seems to me that the caliber of exhibitors has been growing year after year, and very interesting regional companies have emerged. I love colorful things myself, and today I saw such brands. I liked “Boboli”, and “Little Lady” is developing well. Several companies have presented interesting accessory line-ups.

Since I represent a consulting agency, and our activities are directly related to staff training, during my tours I try to provide tools that directly influence sales. In addition, I, as a stylist, work directly at the shops' sites, I consult in “a day with a stylist” format, and I design images by providing individual consultations.