Awards presented to the winners of Soyuzexpertiza competition

29 / 09 / 2023

The finalists of the International Competition of Goods for Children and Teenagers of Soyuzexpertiza ANO were awarded at EXPOCENTRE on the sidelines of the Mir Detstva 2023 exhibition.

The aim of the competition is to promote the competitiveness of children’s goods in the domestic and foreign markets, as well as to promote high quality goods in the Russian consumer market. The winners get the right to use the award products for marketing and advertising purposes with subsequent labelling of their goods, as well as when participating in competitive bidding and tenders.

The expert commission familiarised itself with the materials and documents for each sample applied for participation in the competition, carried out an expert assessment of the goods presented by Russian enterprises, evaluated the level of consumer properties of their products.

The finalists of the competition were awarded with 21 first degree diplomas and 21 gold medals in the nomination for the Best Consumer Properties. Three special diplomas for Successful Promotion of High Quality Goods were also awarded.

Press Service, EXPOCENTRE AO 
