Gala Centre expands the product range for children

Learning toys and games under the Three Cats license is the own design of the company. The product assortment presents a set of cards, applications, a musical toy with a microphone and prerecorded songs, and toys for the bathroom.
The presentation of books with beautiful poems for children by Ilya Reznik, a famous poet, who recently signed a contract with Gala Centre, was a notable event at the exhibition. Soon a large collection of his children’s poems will be published and the sales will start at all retail outlets cooperating with Gala Centre.
The products of Gala Centre are presented throughout Russia; three main branches are in Moscow, Ekaterinburg, and Novosibirsk. Every year Gala Centre increases the volume and geography of sales. “We are market leaders because we sell goods at aggressively low prices,” Mikhail Bober, Head of Toys Sales Department, said. “Low prices are due to various daily price offers: anti-crisis, fixed offers, promotions, and special limited offers.” Gala Centre contributes to happy childhood, and it has created a large assortment of children’s products. Rattles for the little ones, beautiful dolls for girls and radio-controlled cars for boys, as well as run bikes, snow bikes, creativity kits, and kites...
Baba Yaga, the main brand of the company, is already famous on all continents. By the way, at the exhibition, the company held a small concert with Baba Yaga and arranged a prize draw of dolls.